Highly successful was the first trip of PDO-PGI products from Crete to the German market. The Legal persons Union consisting of: Kriton Artos S.A., BOTZAKIS A.E.V.V.T. & X.E. AND MASAOUTIS FAMILY Ltd., with Lead Partner Kriton Artos S.A., participated under the title “Terra Areadne” to the German organic products leading exhibition, Biofach 2016, held 10-13 February in Nuremberg.
The pavilion “Terra Areadne” (Hall 4, stand 179) attracted the interest of many visitors, who were informed on and tasted products PDO Graviera Crete, PDO Peza Heraklion Crete Extra Virgin Olive Oil and PGI Cretan Rusks.
The promotional activities in the German market are expected to peak in the forthcoming months with a series of promotions in restaurants and supermarkets, where consumers will have the opportunity to taste the excellent quality of PDO-PGI products produced in Crete.
The actions implemented under the program: “Information and Promotion Actions of PDO Graviera Crete, PDO Peza Heraklion Crete Extra Virgin Olive Oil and PGI Cretan Rusks in the EU Internal market and particularly in Greece, Germany and Cyprus” NOVACERT in the role of Implementing Body.